Hard Science vs Fuzzy Religion

One of the points that scientifically-minded people like to make to dismiss religion and spirituality is that science is hard and tangible while spirituality is girly-fluffy and fuzzy.

The reality is that our lives, including the lives of the most hard-nosed scientifically-minded people, are mostly run by things that are quote-unquote "fuzzy".

For example many scientists, including the most atheistically-minded ones, are married.

How come they are married? Because somewhere along the line they fell in love with their present spouse. And what's hard and tangible about the feeling of love?

Our lives are run by feelings, thoughts, ideas and emotions, and all of this stuff is girly-fluffy and fuzzy, there is nothing tangible about these things...and yet all of us consider these things to be very real and stake our lives on these things...
