Why Spiritual People Cannot be Part of the World

One of the most common threads between religions, or, rather, between the original hard-core pure and pristine kernels of various religions, is this idea that the world, or what's quote-unquote "normal" or mainstream, is an illusion.

Jesus Christ said that Christians must be "no part of the world" and another Bible verse says that "the world is passing away and so is its desire but he that does the will of God remains forever", hence the will of God and the world don't match and so when the original teachings of Christianity go mainstream they get corrupted.

Interestingly Jesus was not the only one who said that true spirituality and the world don't match. Lao Tsu said something along the lines of "a human being's essential nature is perfect and faultless, but after years of immersion in the world we took on a counterfeit nature".

The Zen Buddhists say that humans lost their "original face" or "Buddha nature", which kind of resembles the Biblical idea that humans were created in God's image but they deflected from this image.

The Hindus talk about the idea of "Maya" or "veil of delusion" that keeps us from seeing truth the way it is and causes us to live in an illusory world and chase illusions like money, status, pleasures etc....the stuff that, according to the Bible, is "passing away".

So, given how mainstream religions have failed to create a society that runs on lofty spiritual values but rather are being used as ways to justify a double life where religious people follow a bunch of traditions but merrily ignore almost everything that the original hard-core religious teachers taught, it is pretty obvious that spirituality, true spirituality, and the world are polar opposites.
