
How do We Know that Jesus Actually Existed?

If Jesus never existed everything that the gospels report about him is either made up or the product of minds that were halucinating. Now, since the Bible contains some of the highest principles of morality ever, how can it possibly be the case that its authors were lying? And since it is commonly believed that it contains some of the wisest teachings, how can it possibly be that its authors were mentally unstable?

Going in Through the "Narrow Gate"

Jesus Christ stated that aligning with truth entails going through the narrow gate. Most people simply buy into what their parents, their churches and their schools have taught them. So, which is truer? What mainstream culture teaches or that which goes against the grain of common sense? Well, an entire industry of motivational speakers has been built around the idea that to be any kind of successful, healthy and accomplished human being, one has to do the exact opposite of what the majority is doing, like eating the food that most people don't want to eat etc. In other words, what works in life, what makes us happy, healthy etc, namely what's "true", is never the same as what most people do. Couldn't it then be the case that the same principle applies to spiritual truths?

Why Spiritual People Cannot be Part of the World

One of the most common threads between religions, or, rather, between the original hard-core pure and pristine kernels of various religions, is this idea that the world, or what's quote-unquote "normal" or mainstream, is an illusion. Jesus Christ said that Christians must be "no part of the world" and another Bible verse says that "the world is passing away and so is its desire but he that does the will of God remains forever", hence the will of God and the world don't match and so when the original teachings of Christianity go mainstream they get corrupted. Interestingly Jesus was not the only one who said that true spirituality and the world don't match. Lao Tsu said something along the lines of "a human being's essential nature is perfect and faultless, but after years of immersion in the world we took on a counterfeit nature". The Zen Buddhists say that humans lost their "original face" or "Buddha nature",

Can God be Scientifically Proven?

One of the ways to look at science is the following: one makes a claim and then gives people a method to test said claim. Now, I could make the claim that God exists and give people the following method to test my claim: pray to God according to His will and He will answer that prayer...and by the way this is a claim that the Bible makes. Have you ever tested this method? Most scientifically-minded people would laugh at this method and would never even bother to test it. But does the fact that most people refuse to use this method invalidate both the method and the claim?

College Education and Spirituality

College can teach some academic and armchair theology but it cannot teach such things as how to love, how to forgive, how to empathize with others, how to have great relationships, how to raise children and yet these are the most fundamental things in life. This is why there are religious groups that discourage going to college, precisely because divine education is far superior and transformational 

Does the Higher Wisdom Contained in the Bible Prove that it is Inspired?

There is no denying that a lot of the things that Jesus said, that King David said, that King Solomon said and other Bible writers said qualifies as cutting-edge psychology and can be used to heal oneself and others, to improve relationships, achieve mental peace and so on. For example, a passage in the book of James reads: "every man must be swift about hearing and slow about speaking". This short sentence gets to the core of how effective communication works. Another example of cutting-edge psychology is in the Sermon on the Mount, where Jesus explained why people project their weaknesses onto others, by pointing to our tendency to overlook the rafter in our own eye while demonizing the straw in other people's eye. Another remarkable piece of wisdom is the idea that instead of rendering evil for evil we'd better conquer evil with acts of kindness, as treating someone who is treating us lousy in a kind way buys a lot. And the list could go on for hours. So it might s

Is Reality Rational?

Is reality rational or is it perhaps that humans project their need to grasp and manipulate reality, using their finite methods, onto a reality that is spiritual and not rational? Is believing in miracles irrational? Well, what is a miracle but any aspect of reality that we cannot understand how it works? If a modern i-pad was brought back to the time of the cavemen how would they view that gadget? Wouldn't they view it as a miracle? And wouldn't they label as irrational or crazy one who actually saw said i-pad and went around claiming that he saw it?